Finding Your Love In Programming

Moses Sammie
2 min readMay 11, 2021

Sometimes it can be very overwhelming trying to look for what you’re good at in the programming field and the programming language you enjoy. All you have to do is to keep trying new languages and frameworks I promise you one will stick and you’ll enjoy what you do.

Be Eager To Try New Things

If you’re new to programming you should be eager to try new things, my mom always says “No knowledge is wasted”, so even after trying new things and you don’t enjoy them, you can always look back knowing that you’ve gained a little more knowledge. There’s a lot of opportunities in the world of programming but make sure to do what makes you happy and what you enjoy. I’ll tell you how I found what I loved

I started with learning HTML, CSS, and JS. I wasn’t really good at JS so it made building websites seem annoying. I am somewhat of a visual learner so I liked seeing something click or something display. I learned Python next, it is one of my favorite languages although I found building GUIs with it quite tiring.

In enters Java, I really enjoyed working with Java especially using JFrame and JavaFx to build Windows apps. I still wasn’t satisfied, I tried going back to web designed and forced myself to learn ReactJS ( I hate JavaScript), I still didn’t enjoy it. Then it hit me I liked building something I could see and I enjoyed using my phones. I decided to research how mobile apps were built, I tried a couple of frameworks like Xamarin, Android Studio, Swift and I found everything I had been searching for. FLUTTER ( I LOVE YOU).

Just try out things and you’ll find a programming field to love just the way I love Flutter.



Moses Sammie

I enjoy building apps and learning new things.... What about you?